Monica Macarie

Welcome to my homepage! I am an undergraduate student at Haverford College excited about exploring the humanities and social sciences.

Research Passions:

I am interested in 19th and 20th century British and American fiction relating to social class tensions, changing or clashing culture, and gender roles.

About Me

Here is a little about where I’ve come from and what I’m doing.

Hometown: Rye, NY

  • Rye is a little town on the northern coast of the Long Island Sound anywhere between 20 minutes and 4 hours from NYC.
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Other Home: Bacău, Romania

  • I am a second generation immigrant in the US and have Romanian dual citizenship.
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Haverford College, PA

  • I am currently an undergraduate student of English (major) and Psychology (minor) at Haverford College.
  • Other experiences at Haverford include singing in the Outskirts A Capella group, the Milkweed Literary Magazine, the Customs team, and more.
Drone photo of Founders Hall. Photo by Patrick Montero